Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom
Founder and Director, The Academy of Practical Homeopathy
I’m humbled to be writing you this letter. It is because of you — and the countless moms and grandmoms like you — who inspire me every day so that my influence and impact continue to grow. And as much as I appreciate and am grateful for the praise, what I love most are the stories of love, compassion and life-changing experiences that our work here together, through Practical Homeopathy®, has brought to so many families across our great country — at this point, I can say, yes, even the world.
My mission began almost 40 years ago when I was seeking my own solutions for my family. Deep inside, I knew there had to be a better way—a commonsense, principle-based, natural way to care for those I love.
As you know, my search led me to homeopathy.
It’s very simple. It’s the same way we find meaningful answers to everything in life: from the things that really matter. Our roots. Our upbringing. Our faith. Our family. Never from things that are made up, manipulated or manufactured.
I said, “Why can’t we find solutions to our health from things that are also real?”
As my experience grew, I wanted to share it with others. But soon, I realized what works best in real life for everyday families doesn’t come from simply reading a textbook. Instead, the best way to learn is from actual experience — especially experience that can be shared where life really happens, inside the four walls of your home.
This is why I created Practical Homeopathy®. My mission has been to impart knowledge and wisdom to you so you can bring it into your living room and onto your kitchen table — where life’s lessons are actually taught. I want to empower you to make a difference for those you love and care about.
Decade after decade, I have stayed the course and continued this. As I said, I’ve loved every minute. However, we have arrived at two very different problems — I see them as opportunities — that make my letter to you of incredible significance.
First, the need and ever-growing demand for Practical Homeopathy® has outgrown my ability to provide it for every mom and grandmom who wants it. As much as I would love to, I simply can’t talk to everyone individually.
The second is a more obvious challenge: All the homeopathy in the world won’t let me live forever. However, what I want more than anything else is not to be remembered. Instead, I want to ensure that what we’ve started here — our work together, the mission behind Practical Homeopathy® — never stops. I want this movement to expand and grow far beyond my reach to people who might never have sought to find this most prized place we’ve made possible together.
This — yes, this — is really why I’m writing to you.
You see, friend, we are at a crossroads in our lifetime unlike any we have ever seen in generations. Quite literally, more is at stake than just our children’s future, or that of their children and grandchildren.
Everything we have ever believed in and stood for — from the way we raise our kids to the role of parents in the household — is being assaulted by schools, government and media alike. Our literal morals, integrity and way of life are being undermined, and the foundation under us is rapidly being eroded.
You know this.
I can imagine your worry and concern — otherwise, I wouldn’t ask you to read this letter. The fact is we are under attack.
You see, Practical Homeopathy® is so much more than just caring for one’s health. It’s about the fabric of our beings and our right to parent, nurture and care for our loved ones in the ways moms and grandmoms like you see fit and know best.
Look, the bottom line is: If we are going to reverse the trend we are living in right now, we have to do more than just resist the evil forces plotting against us.
Here’s what I know more than anything else: It’s going to take more than just me alone to do what’s necessary to protect the very fabric of our values.
We’ve got to band together, and we’ve got to fight back. And do it the best way possible through knowledge and empowerment of moms and grandmoms who want to make a difference in a big way — who are ready to take Practical Homeopathy® from people inside their homes to the homes and lives of others. To their extended families, churches, community and beyond.
This is why I have I’ve decided the last chapter of my career, and the remaining years of my life — however many I’m blessed to have — will be dedicated to the culmination of my life’s work. It’s called …
The Academy of Practical Homeopathy®.
And I want you to be a part of the next class of Academy students. Are you ready to gain even more wisdom, grow your confidence and expand your ability to help people you care about in even greater ways with homeopathy?
Our Academy is firmly grounded by hundreds of prior graduates and current students, passionately and enthusiastically deep into their studies. By watching and reading their heartfelt testimonies, I have no doubt your flame of passion will also be ignited.
Rest assured, I have a lot more to tell you.
But today, all I ask is that you show your interest and commitment to learning more by completing the information below and joining our Founders’ List. There is no obligation.
Members of the Founders’ List will receive more details about The Academy of Practical Homeopathy® in the coming weeks. I will take you behind the scenes to show you exactly why and how I have created The Academy. When the time comes, you will have the opportunity to enroll, should you choose to do so.
Thank you for your time, support and love. But most of all, thank you for who you are and what you do for your family.
I will be in touch soon!
Joette Calabrese, HMC, PHom M
Founder and Director of The Academy of Practical Homeopathy® and Mastery™
P.S. Here’s a little more about The Academy and why I believe you’ll want to be among our prestigious Academy students to change the world together …
The Academy is exactly what it sounds like and so much more. I will personally guide and mentor you through a journey of homeopathic exploration, giving you lifetimes of information at your fingertips — markedly more than what’s already ingrained inside you.
Consider this a year-long expedition into the realm of possibilities that Practical Homeopathy® will bring you. Imagine what you can do when you are armed with the knowledge that can only come from a structured path to follow. You will consume, study and master this knowledge, and then put it to good use.
My Academy will allow you to take your pursuit of excellence in homeopathy to the next, more formalized level — that of a professional educational experience. If you desire to do so, you can expand your horizons from an amateur homeopath to a level of astute leadership and proficiency. You will be able to further your influence in your neighborhood or even achieve your own personal practice within your community.
I know you, and I know your intentions are pure. As I always say, good moms, grandmoms, professionals and nurturing caregivers must stick together. The Academy of Practical Homeopathy® is the place for you, but it’s also more than that. It’s a way to equip you to actively and confidently share your belief in and practice of homeopathy. Through The Academy, you will be empowered to make a difference for so many others.
I’m fully aware The Academy won’t be for everyone — it’s intended to be that way.
However, by submitting this form, you will learn more and receive one of our exclusive, by-invitation-only student registration opportunities.
Join my Founders’ List today —
there is no commitment. Joining will simply be the quickest way to learn more about The Academy.
I will release more information to the Founders as the next Academy year approaches.
Let’s look forward to the future together!
“You are the quiet army. You’re not protesting in the streets,
not resorting to violence, just calmly going about the
day-to-day business of healing your families and
sharing your knowledge with others.”